european commissioners from france artinya
- european: bkn dgn eropah; mengenai eropa; orang eropah;
- from: dari; semenjak; karena; daripada; sejak; tentang;
- france: perancis; portal:perancis; prancis;
- deaths from cancer in france: kematian akibat kanser di perancis
- people from tours, france: tokoh dari tours
- withdrawal from the european union: pencabutan keanggotaan uni eropa
- lgbt rights activists from france: aktivis hak lgbt dari prancis
- people from hauts-de-france: tokoh dari hauts-de-france
- withdrawal of greenland from the european communities: keluarnya greenland dari uni eropa
- board of commissioners: dewan komisaris
- france squad 1960 european nations' cup: skuat piala eropa 1960 prancis
- deaths from the covid-19 pandemic in france: kematian akibat pandemi covid-19 di prancis
- high commissioners for palestine and transjordan: komisioner tinggi untuk palestina dan trans-yordan
- list of ambassadors and high commissioners of malaysia: senarai duta besar dan pesuruhjaya tinggi malaysia
- list of ambassadors and high commissioners to malaysia: senarai duta besar dan pesuruhjaya tinggi ke malaysia
Kata lain
- "european commission" terjemahan Indonesia
- "european commission against racism and intolerance" terjemahan Indonesia
- "european commissioner for the environment" terjemahan Indonesia